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Redefine Your Life Around Mutuality

Redefine Your Life Around Mutuality

In our increasingly complex yet connected world your key to a meaningful life may well be your capacity to instill a sense of mutuality in more situations. Speak sooner to the strongest sweet spot of shared interest. More than smarts, money or even charisma, your capacity to connect with diverse people is vital for leading an adventuresome, satisfying life with others. Become the glue that holds groups together. Be more deeply connected and widely-quoted. Then you can accomplish something greater together than you can on your own. You can become one of the sought-after Opportunity Makers of our era. From a “phobically shy” teenager turned Emmy-winning former NBC and Wall Street Journal reporter and public speaker, hear exactly how to adopt and sustain a mutuality mindset as a connective leader.

moving from me to we


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