One morning over his breakfast cereal, life forever changed for a twelve-year old Canadian boy. He flipped through the pages of his morning newspaper to find his favorite cartoons. Instead he was stopped by a headline, “Battled Child Labour, Boy 12 Murdered”. That was back in 1995. Craig Kielburger asked his brother Marc and then others to join him in what’s become a child–to-child “Me to We” movement.
Now they write a column for The Toronto Star. Marc is executive director and co-founder of Free The Children. (He also graduated from Harvard, then became a Rhodes Scholar with a law degree from Oxford University).
Beginning on March 25th you can get an eBook version of the Kielburgers’ book, Me to We: Finding Meaning in a Material World.
Like Buried Life, four other Canadian youth, Marc and Craig believe that anybody can make a difference in others’ lives – and thus live a more meaningful life. Once you read some of the everyday actions and inspiring stories they collected you may want to re the “blueprint” they offer in their ebook. (Who’s your hero?)
Perhaps they can expand involvement by partnering with Sergio Lub’s pay-if-forward community, favors. Maybe Henry Jenkins and Kurt Squire at MIT can involve them in creating the Me to We
games to teach children. Yes, sometimes good things do happen to good people.