The same day I interviewed interactive games expert for families (one label for this multi-talented woman),
Kris Bordessa I gathered several unsuspecting friends to play the paper clips game she described to me. Among them were a cabinet maker, psychologist and angel investor. Frankly I was surprised at who most
helped their team win, who had the funniest color commentary and who froze. That game and two more we played sparked one of the most lively and open conversations I’ve had in a long time.
Kris spent several years as a volunteer parent in her local 4-H and a team manager for Destination Imagination. In DM teens and tweens are teamed up to work all school year on one “problem.” Kris was inspired by the power of highly interactive games and projects to instill in youth qualities such as trustworthiness,
resourcefulness and cooperation. Her children said Destination Imagination was the best experience of their school year.
In her book Team Challenges, you can find dozens of games that take “ten minutes or less” and involve objects you usually have handy like rubberbands, pasta and toothpicks. After reading the book I can see why other adults, if they let their hair down, might step way from their computer, put down the mobile and turn off the TV to and play a few. Or try them at a conference or family reunion. Like Pecha Kucha, these activities generate fast, fun ways to learn from and with each other.
In addition to her other books, her newest fun way to collaborate, Great Medieval Projects comes out in September. Hear Kris describe the paper clips game and more in this podcast interview.
I can think of so many ways to use these creative ideas! Thanks for sharing!
Kare, earlier in the year we talked for this podcast.
Today, I’m passing some information that you might be interested in. My fellow freelancer Lori Hall Steele has been diagnosed with Lyme’s disease and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Lori is a single mother of a 7 year old son. Due to insurance costs, the bank has threatened foreclosure on her home while she is bedridden and unable to work.
Enter the WE. Participants of two writing organizations – Freelance Success and the American Society of Journalists and Authors put out a challenge to their members: Send $25 to help Lori. But that was too easy. Members of these organizations started twittering and adding How to Help Lori updates to their Facebook pages. Interest grew, and the checks started pouring in. Musician Ben Lee added his voice to the cause, silent auctions and raffles were organized, and Lori is able to focus on her health, rather than impending doom. This, in less than two weeks!
On Wednesday, September 17, 2008, there will be a combined effort to change Facebook and LinkedIn pages to reflect the Save Lori’s House effort. I’ve pasted a link below to the full story, in case you’d like to read more.
Kris Thank you. Your heart shines through. This is an apt Me2We story, turning to her natural community – many of whom know first-hand what it is to be a soloist/freelancer. Whenever a corporate person complains to me that their dental benefit did not cover all of their dental visit I think of people like Lori. There but for the grace of G….Here’s to more fellow writers and single mothers reaching out to support Lori