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… is to have someone to “stand by you”, writes empathic Pamela Slim. Here are two of her

 Me2We suggestions for pulling yourself through hard times by involving others.

1. “Don’t try to do everything yourself. 

 Do you have great ideas, but are a bit challenged getting them off the ground?  Now is an excellent time to look in your extended circle for joint venture partners.  I am working with my good buddy and fellow business coach Michele Woodward on a marketing program for our tribe of Martha Beck coaches.  I have forgotten how fun it is to work with someone else, especially someone like Michele who is open, fun and creative.  By working together, we are delivering a better program, more quickly, than if either of us had done it ourselves.”

2. Stand by someone else. 

When I have my down moments, one thing that always makes me feel better is to do something that will help someone else.  Often, this is writing a blog post that addresses a common concern. Sometimes it is connecting two people who I know will benefit from each other’s expertise or service.  Sometimes it is just taking an extra moment to really listen to someone who is in my life, like my son’s preschool teacher, or the pharmacist at my local grocery store.  By doing so, I have learned that my pharmacist is a poet, and my son’s preschool teacher wants to write a book.”

 To lift your spirits up – with others –  during down times …

Lean on me when you’re not strong.

Turn one to another.

I’ve got your back.

Stand by me.  

moving from me to we


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