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How to Live a More Purposeful Life

Coming from a sheltered background, I wanted to explore a wider world of adventuresome, purposeful people. In this increasingly tech-enabled era, The Law of Unintended Consequences is increasingly becoming the norm, not the exception. Most new inventions can be used...

Ways to Deepen Your Friendship

When you feel affronted, pause before responding and recall this French proverb, Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in marble. Here’s one mighty helpful reason why: Whatever we praise, we encourage to flourish. Unfortunately there’s a damaging flip side. Whatever we...

Ways to Deepen Your Friendship

When you feel affronted, pause before responding and recall this French proverb, Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in marble.Here’s one mighty helpful reason why: Whatever we praise, we encourage to flourish. Unfortunately there’s a damaging flip side. Whatever we...
moving from me to we


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