Become a top-of-mind expert in your market by following small business trends guru, Anita Campbell’s successful formula for success. Yes, she’s worked hard to reach the place where others seek to emulate her. A key was her approach to getting “custom sponsorships. She also has a plan in mind that helped her set priorities, each day and over time. Designing my life, my day, my choice of what to do next is often difficult. Too often I avoid doing “first things first” so Anita’s approach has helped me.
Here’s a bare bones summary of her business model.
1. Choose a niche, then
2. Multiply the ways you involve others in helping your kind of “customers,” then
3. Host profitable places where they – and other experts – can share ideas and resources. One example: Anita recruits volunteer moderators who benefit from having links to their site from her busy forum. She’s discovered that, “There was more power in hearing from multiple voices.” Suggest Anita, “One of the paths to creating a vibrant community and in the process increasing your own visibility, is to highlight others and their knowledge. That’s been the secret behind my radio show. And it’s increasingly the direction in my main site,”
Here are four more tips from Anita:
1. What’s a formula for collaborating with others online?“
Several models for multi-author blogs and sites on the Internet today: anyone/anything goes; hand-selected choices; and a few options in between.”
2. How can you benefit from the “power of us” in hosting podcasts?
“The obvious model is to interview others. The trick is having a format and sticking with it. And letting the guests talk. But keeping it informational, not advertorial.”
3. Is having guest authors on your blog really “collaboration”?
“Yes. Think of the product of the collaboration as an “online community.” It’s not the same as having an article submission site such as On Small Business Trends, it’s about welcoming others as conversation leaders. It’s as if we are creating a central place where the reader knows he or she can go to find solid information, from real-life entrepreneurs and those who deal daily with entrepreneurs. We’re all stronger (as “we” than “me.”)
4. Has a group collaboration led to more opportunities?“
Absolutely! It’s more opportunities for all. More for guest contributors, because it gives them more of a platform for their ideas than many can get on their own. Quite a number have gotten clients, big media interviews, traffic to their websites and other visibility as a result of being a leading voice in the “Small Business Trends community.” More for me as the editor, too, because it makes the site a go-to source of reliable information.
To get concrete ideas about how to become sought-after, make money – and enjoy your work with others along the way, listen to the interview with this modest, generous trendsetter.
Great post Kare – I am a shameless fan of your blog. I thought the information about volunteer moderators was very cool. We are going to use it with a niche-interest group we are working with right now.
Mutual Admiration Society, then Stephen as I just recommended your blog (Getting Clever Together) at an IABC conference in Chicago.