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Want to ask your colleagues a question as you research a project or when you need a recommendation? Have a strong aversion to the spamlike behavior that can happen at Facebook and other social media sites?

Find over 100 tips for tapping the Wisdom of the Crowds (people you know) – using LinkedInaprofessional” rather than “social” site. Of course, the tips were collected in the same way.

LinkedIn and networking expert, Scott Allen recruited others to share their favorite methods in a group writing project he called “Smart Ways to Use LinkedIn.” Ideas poured in.

My favorite is Guy Kawasaki’s Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn. Here’s others I found especially helpful. Andrew Shaindlin discusses the Pros and Cons of LinkedIn for Alumni Groups. Diane K. Danielson offered ways for “Getting More Than Just Answers.” Jason Calacanis and Loren Baker describe how to use it for market research.

As a former journalist I appreciated Penelope Trunk’s 10 Ways Journalists Can Use LinkedIn. Elsewhere Leo Babauta shows how it can help your productivity. Allson Doyle notes it aids job hunting, and eHow shows how to create a great profile, find people you know and more.

There’s even way for public officials to use it. See the blog and brand new book, “I’m On LinkedInNow What? by Jason Alba. It was only last December when LinkedIn opened up to partner with other firms to generate more value for members.

How? By allowing companies to add LinkedIn features to their websites.

Here’s reassuring news. If people in your network do not live up to your values you can break the connection. How do you use LinkedIn? In this podcast hear Scott Allen offer fresh ways to succeed through partnering.

moving from me to we


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