Four college-age Canadians’ bus broke down in here in Sausalito last year so they continued their campaign here – to inspire others to create their Top 100 things list: A part of their credo: For every item they complete on their list, they help a stranger achieve one of their dreams. These childhood friends’ camaraderie, plan and sense of purpose (three great Me2We traits) have pulled others into their slipstream including my friend Jan Coleman.
She became their den mother (aka manager/producer). Today, she gleefully announced that The Buried Life boys have checked another “to do” off their list. They wanted to launch a grass roots TV show to
inspired others to create their life list, a show that sidestepped the fake-candid scripting of reality shows.
In the Interactive Age of Obama where authenticity is officially “in” MTV is finally recognizing the audience-attracting power of a real reality show for people of all ages. The four boys who started their road trip are the centerpiece of today’s story in the New York Times. Confession: I’ve only checked 14 off my 100 List yet this new chapter of the Buried Life story nudges me to see what one I’ll go after next. How about joining us by creating your list? Also, what group of close friends can you gather together for a life-changing single purpose that matters to all of you? I’m brainstorming on that myself.
These guys are quite remarkable! One of the highlights of my life was crossing off something that should have been on my 100 list: A single date with four good-looking & truly inspirational young men in the heart of San Francisco. Jonnie, Dave, Duncan & Ben were one of the best “dates” I’ve ever had. They continue to inspire me to try and make a difference in the lives of those around me every day. They make me smile!