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In our increasingly connected world, everyone must manage “the brand called you” announced Tom Peters years ago. Reluctant to see yourself this way? Your impetus can be to protect your reputation. 

The upside motivation to think of self-branding, however, is to attract the people and opportunities that help make your life the kind of adventure story you want it to become.  That’s my takeaway from the message of two popular authors, Dan Schawbel in Me 2.0 and Rohit Bhargava in Personality Not Included. Why am I talking about this today? Because PR maven Rohit asked women how they came to recognize a distinctive part of their personality and what it has meant in their life.  Get these insights in a gift eBooklet you can download today.  (Confession:

 I am one of the 20 women). 

Diversely distinctive women benefit from honing their brand. Consider MichelleHeatherJhumpaSarahPeggyDoris and Angela.

Or PenelopeAnitaAndrea and Angelina. What warms my heart is when I see someone vividly describe the smart, thoughtful action of another. Naturally, such behavior burnishes the brand of both people. 

moving from me to we


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