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For finding love, a job or customers, speed-based events are increasingly popular with some people. They seem so efficient. And, if you’re on the hunt you probably want to be attractive to others. Then you may want to know the results of these speed dating studies.

Hint: Who’s on the move?

• Regardless of gender, those who rotated from person to person experienced greater romantic desire, chemistry, and eagerness to see a speed date again compared to those who sat. Those who did the rotating, or approaching, also felt self-confidence than those who sat still during the speed dates.

In those non-speed dating work and social situations take the initiative to approach someone as a way of honoring that person.

• The unsurprising contributing factors are that men value attractiveness most while women value intelligence.  Also, one study shows that men “like smart, ambitious women, as long as they weren’t smarter or more ambitious than themselves.”

• Unfortunately, men and women are equally good at gauging men’s interest in a woman, during speed dating, and equally bad at judging women’s interest.

What if this same Gauging Interest Ability applied to discerning level of interest in products or services?  Then it would be easier for both women and me to figure out whether men would buy than whether women would.

• Who most attracts you?  Focus on that person.

The more you feel romantic about most of the people you meet the less likely that any of them will reciprocate your feeling. Instead notice who most attracts you and direct your attention on her/him.

This finding applies to your non-dating social and business activities too. If, for example, you are at a business networking events and moving too much – darting about like a humming bird to blossoms –  you are less likely to create a connection with someone.

moving from me to we


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