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It is the moment when people see your best side.

That’s most likely to happen when you really click with a person or situation. Conversely a bad reaction can quickly spiral down into conflict, even enmity.

What’s the most likely way for someone to see you at your best? It is when you bring out their top talent and temperament. That’s when that person is most likely to see and support yours.

That’s when they say, “I like the way I am when I am around you.”  

Jack Nicholson famously said a variation of this effect “You make me want to be a better man.”

The result?  Together you become happier and higher-performing. Then you are able to accomplish something greater than you could alone. This life-affirming concept is buttressed by research and, for me, observing and interviewing hundreds of people as a journalist. It’s my motivation for writing this blog.

In addition to the examples you find here, to accomplish more and savor your life – with others, see the Brafman’s five ways to choose to connect well with others in their new book, Click.

moving from me to we


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