by Kare Anderson | Nov 12, 2012 | behavior, collaboration, Learning, Meetings, Sharing
It happened just before I was to go on stage to deliver a keynote. I was so moved to tears by the prior program, that mascara dripped on my lavender blouse. And I didn’t care. I wasn’t alone. For the first time in the conference, many of the 3,000 nurse executives in...
by Kare Anderson | Nov 4, 2012 | Co-Create, collaboration
Lady Gaga’s Little Monsters online community, designed by Backplane, quickly attracted a million unique visitors soon after launching in July 2012. Without relying on Facebook, Lady Gaga is able to host a specific interest, purpose-driven global community where fans...
by Kare Anderson | Sep 30, 2012 | Book, Caring, Choice, Co-Create, collaboration, Connecting
Little did Abigail Washburn know that her life would forever change after she went to a party where she heard a record of traditional folk and bluegrass singer and flatpicking guitar player, Doc Watson singing Shady Grove. She had what Frans Johansson dubs a click...
by Kare Anderson | Sep 19, 2012 | behavior, Book, Co-Create, collaboration
Years ago, a board member brought me into a corporation to lead a team in creating two products that he felt would boost the stock price. Here’s how it happened. In my vigorous interview of him for The Wall Street Journal, he described how the firm could fall behind...
by Kare Anderson | Aug 18, 2012 | Book, Co-Create, collaboration, Connecting
Remember how the jury consultant, played by Gene Hackman, attempted to bribe jurors in the movie Runaway Jury? It seems that jurors can be swayed by much less – by the same cues that affect us all in other settings. Here’s how. A college professor of Jayson Zoller...
by Kare Anderson | Jul 27, 2012 | behavior, Co-Create, collaboration
I have a new column over at Forbes and the first posting covers some surprise events I co-created awhile back. I thought of them recently and here’s why. You have probably noticed that, when many people are waiting in line, they are often restlessly staring at...