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Reduce Your Risk in Hiring the Right Designer

A big stumbling block in hiring the graphic designer who most “gets” your business is this. You won’t know if you’ll like the design until after you put your money down. The smaller your business and budget the greater the risk it seems. That’s how it works at two...

Co-Creating What We Wear… and More?

Imagine investing “just” $50 in a clothing company so you could co-design the togs they make – and you can buy. My first thought was it sounds like committee work at its worst. Yet that’s exactly what a firm called nvohk started doing. Another clothing company,...

Your Fun, New Online Magazine Rack

Perhaps the fastest way to find the latest blog news items on the web (that most matter to you) was launched today by former Apple evangelist, Guy Kawasaki. It is called Alltop and it was inspired by popurls. I love the elegantly simply display of condensed subjects –...

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