by Kare Anderson | Sep 3, 2008 | Book, Humor, inspiration
Yes, relationships seem dangerous or at least irritating at times. And our choices often appear murky. Want a surprisingly quick and satisfying exercise for making wiser decisions next time? Try it by opening to any page in the witty new book by Dr. Mardy Grothe, I...
by Kare Anderson | Aug 8, 2008 | Book, cause, Collective Clout, community, inspiration, Mentor, Peer2Peer, Podcasts
Like to bring more joy to your marriage? Want to increase your income by training others to lead groups, based on your expertise? Learn how from someone who’s successful at both. In this interview hear how Susan Page is training therapists and marriage educators to...
by Kare Anderson | Feb 1, 2008 | Friendship, Give Back, inspiration
Here’s wise advice for us all – from Lee and Sachi, inspired by their constant, in-house muse.
by Kare Anderson | Jan 31, 2008 | inspiration, Learning
Mmm. How will you be describing yourself say five years from now? Or at least one part of you. From the Greek word “opiso” meaning “hereafter” April Groves crafted the word “opi”: Picture the future you, “written in the present tense.” This seems to me to be a...
by Kare Anderson | Jan 22, 2008 | Book, Collective Memory, inspiration, Media, speaking
Driving along the Marin Headlands today, I switched radio channels away from the unfolding news of the stock market “panic.” Within minutes I had to pull to the side of the road. Listening to a recording of Barack Obama’s sermon yesterday at Ebenezer Baptist Church,...
by Kare Anderson | Jan 12, 2008 | inspiration, Meetings, speaking
Don’t let this happen to you. Use a powerful audience involving technique. Make your presentation about “us” rather than you by evoking The Power of Three. Here’s how. Repeat your key “message” phrase three times in succession, then repeat it...