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Fast Way to Learn From Each Other

Pecha Kucha. This “equal time” meeting format is wildly popular because everyone gets a chance to share and compare in a quick and lively way. That’s why it spread around the world so quickly in the past few years. Attendees loved it yesterday when Joan Eisenstodt...

A Memory-Making Trend You’ll Love

Until The New York Times asked for his opinion about this trend, Erik Torkells did not even notice it. Yet he was a part of the trend – and it related to his area of expertise. Trend: Increasingly, people are traveling together (or meeting in new places) as...

How Will We Meet in the Future?

Last Friday the members in my audience at EMC Venues’ MEET voted on questions I asked and saw their cumulative votes appear on the screens on either side of me soon thereafter. They loved it. I only wish audiences had more ways to share and compare all year long....

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