by Kare Anderson | Jan 17, 2008 | Learning, Meetings
Pecha Kucha. This “equal time” meeting format is wildly popular because everyone gets a chance to share and compare in a quick and lively way. That’s why it spread around the world so quickly in the past few years. Attendees loved it yesterday when Joan Eisenstodt...
by Kare Anderson | Jan 12, 2008 | inspiration, Meetings, speaking
Don’t let this happen to you. Use a powerful audience involving technique. Make your presentation about “us” rather than you by evoking The Power of Three. Here’s how. Repeat your key “message” phrase three times in succession, then repeat it...
by Kare Anderson | Dec 24, 2007 | Friendship, Meetings, Play
Until The New York Times asked for his opinion about this trend, Erik Torkells did not even notice it. Yet he was a part of the trend – and it related to his area of expertise. Trend: Increasingly, people are traveling together (or meeting in new places) as...
by Kare Anderson | Dec 23, 2007 | community, Learning, Meetings
… so they’ll want to come back next year. How many conferences have you attended where you felt talked “at” by a series of speakers up on stage? Then you rushed between sessions to meet new people and catch up with friends in the hallways. Wouldn’t it be...
by Kare Anderson | Nov 5, 2007 | Meetings, Social Media
Last Friday the members in my audience at EMC Venues’ MEET voted on questions I asked and saw their cumulative votes appear on the screens on either side of me soon thereafter. They loved it. I only wish audiences had more ways to share and compare all year long....
by Kare Anderson | Oct 26, 2007 | CrowdSource, Meetings
We’ve all served on committees where a few diligent people did most of the work. Or gotten stuck in a boring meeting, where some just yakked and yakked. No agenda. No incentives to work smart. Time drags. You could get it done faster and better on your own....