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Where Does Your Kind of Humor Get You With Others?

“Wall Street swindler Bernie Madoff failed to protect his assets with a bankruptcy motion. His lawyer tried to get all charges dropped. He argued that Madoff is no longer a threat to society because there aren’t any rich people anymore,” writes Argus Hamilton in...

A Bountiful Life Isn’t a Zero-Sum Game

Perhaps the most gratifying way to hone one’s talent is to use it in support of someone who is diligently working on a dream project. Those who work hard on something new tend to appreciate unexpected help. We learn the most when creating or explaining. Early in his...

Imitation is a Big Step Towards LikeAbility

More than we are consciously aware, we instinctively imitate one another. When around each other we synchronize our body movements, speaking styles and facial expressions.  There’s an automaticity to our reactions. But why? Many scientists believe it’s because of our...

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