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This news is sad, yet not surprising. As women, we are more concerned about our weight (56%) and eating right (36%) than we are worried about getting one of three big killers for women: cancer (23%), heart problems (20%) or diabetes (18%). That’s what Meredith and NBC Universal discovered in their study, “What do Women Want?”“Many women are skipping important medical examinations, annual physicals and screenings:• Less than two-thirds (59%) of all women get an annual physical, even fewer Gen Y women (44%).• Nearly one-third of Boomer women are not getting their annual mammograms, cholesterol checks or physicals.• 62% of women regularly give themselves a breast self-examination, while only 14% of all women get a skin cancer screening at least once a year.Read more at Meredith. Ironically, Women’s Check-Up Day was earlier this month. Love yourself? Take care of yourself.Between selfimage and staying alive, this may be our biggest Procrastination Error, as women. Perhaps Hilda L. Solis, Arianna Huffington, Anna Deavere Smith and Ann Curry can spearhead a “Love Yourself” campaign to inspire more women to get vital health check-ups. From Me2We, let’s recruit apt allies, including BlogHer, The Women’s Ad Network, WIMN, Our Bodies Our Blog, AMWA and the Downtown Women’s Club. (Have you gotten your check-ups?)

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