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Specificity Can Become Your Superpower

It strengthens your self-clarity, credibility and connectivity. It also increases the chances that people will understand and remember what you say. Self-Clarity: Getting clear about the main point you want to make enables you to then identify the best example that...
We Are All Literally Two-Faced

We Are All Literally Two-Faced

We are all literally and unwittingly two-faced. To learn more about how you present yourself to the world, and your underlying, more “private” feelings, you just have to look yourself in the face. Consider to getting out a hand mirror now, before you read further....
Ways to Forge a Bond With Others

Ways to Forge a Bond With Others

“I had a doorbell moment this week,” Patricia said to Tracy. Both have sons serving in the same Marine unit in Iraq. She is describing the fear that grabs her the moment her doorbell rings unexpectedly, thinking that the officer on the other side has come...

What Makes Us Laugh?

Here are some quick, sometimes surprising clues. All Jokes Come Down to One of Four Themes Anywhere in the world, all jokes can be reduced to just one of these themes, according to professor Richard Wiseman, a British psychologist who, via his LaughLab, conducted...

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