by Kare Anderson | Jul 7, 2010 | cause, collaboration, Collective Clout, community, conference, Friendship, Give Back, Meetings, Member
Become an opportunity-maker for the member organization that most matters to you. Imagine that your association or special interest group kept innovating to create more value and meaning for members. That’s what TED has done and we can too by taking three...
by Kare Anderson | Jun 28, 2010 | behavior, Book, collaboration, Collective Intelligence
Life is getting better faster. Food is more widely available; we live longer; more people have money and violence, disease and child mortality are down all around the world. Yet there will be turmoil. “The bottom-up world is to be the great theme of this century,”...
by Kare Anderson | May 20, 2010 | Book, collaboration, Connecting, Freedom, inspiration
The sum of us can be more powerful (and fun) than one of us… sometimes. The confounding thing is exactly how we make it happen. Even when we have a strong desire to collaborate, we are likely bump up against into each other because, as in love, good intentions...
by Kare Anderson | Mar 28, 2010 | behavior, Book, Caring, collaboration, Connecting
While happiness books are all the rage, none begin by showing us the inescapable first step to connecting with others. Yet having social ties is the single best predictor of a longer, healthier, more satisfying life. That seemingly mundane step? Attention. When...
by Kare Anderson | Jan 17, 2010 | collaboration, Collective Clout, Collective Intelligence
Thank you Guy Kawasaki & team for placing two of my blogs on the top of your Alltop category – Collaboration – How We Partner and this blog. In celebration of this recognition I finally updated my blog roll here on Moving From Me to We.Unfortunately, whilst...
by Kare Anderson | Dec 30, 2009 | behavior, collaboration, Collective Memory
To jumpstart your new year in these roiling times, consider this: “When the economy tanks it’s natural to think of yourself first. You have a family to feed and a mortgage to pay. Getting more appears to be the order of business. It turns out that...