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Honest Tea’s Unexpected Social Experiment: 5 Ways You, Too, Can Attract an Audience and Customers

As you’re walking down your city street you see an unmanned kiosk, stocked with bottles of tea. A sign invites you to “Take a bottle. Leave a dollar.”  What would you do? Would you pay for one, and be curious enough to stay and watch what others do?  Many did...

Why Burnish Our Brands Together?

In our increasingly connected world, everyone must manage “the brand called you” announced Tom Peters years ago. Reluctant to see yourself this way? Your impetus can be to protect your reputation. The upside motivation to think of self-branding, however, is to attract...

Who Knows Your Secrets? How Did They Find Out?

Not standing behind the bushes. Spying online, of course. Dan Tynan explains, “online stalking made easy.” Then JR Rafael elaborates on how people search engines “know your dark secrets.”  As Spokeo CEO Harrison Tang knows first-hand, “Even though most people...

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