by Kare Anderson | Mar 11, 2008 | Collective Intelligence, Media, Meetings, Member
Imagine creating a short video of your suggestion or related story in advance of your reunion, employee or professional meeting or celebration? Suppose you could also add comments on a group blog? Then see what’s on others’ minds before you get together. To see the...
by Kare Anderson | Mar 7, 2008 | Co-Create, Meetings
… rather than restless to leave. Recruit a diverse conference planning committee with different perspectives on the attendees and brainstorm fresh ways to get people actively learning, collaborating and considering ways to follow-up later with what they learn at...
by Kare Anderson | Mar 6, 2008 | Meetings
Then provide companies more value. In one of those “Why didn’t I think of this earlier?” moments the leaders at Professional Convention Management Association adopted a simple and very successful change. They invited would-be sponsors to underwrite events and other...
by Kare Anderson | Feb 22, 2008 | Collective Intelligence, Learning, Meetings, Play, Podcasts
We can learn more from our mistakes than our successes. That’s especially likely if a small, supportive group of peers probes to understand us better before they offer advice. In part, that’s what Learning Circles can offer. Mutual mentorship. While most are created...
by Kare Anderson | Feb 8, 2008 | Meetings
Some women’s organizations are stalled. Others are growing like wildfire – and most any group can adopt their member-delighting methods, including yours. Hear how from Diane Danielson, CEO of the Later on, you’ll hear from Beth...
by Kare Anderson | Feb 1, 2008 | Collective Intelligence, Meetings, Podcasts
Is your expo + conference a “must attend” event for more people very year? How clear and well-known is the biggest reason to go? Attendance has grown a whopping 40% every year since George Jage launched his World Tea Expo in 2003. And he had a handicap. Jage had never...